Monday, 17 June 2013

I'm sorry, do we know you? probably the question our asking me right now.  So I have been away. A lot of new life decisions have been made in the last few months and I didn't need the distraction of blogging. In short I quit my job and became a full time Mum. Whilst this in theory is a beautiful idea it can be a little lonely.

So let me bring you up to speed. I still love makeup. I still read about it ,I still invest in it and I still can't get enough. My main personal issue at the minute is my weight. I'm not happy with it. I know I gave birth a year ago but it's time to start shifting some of this timber. Today I joined a gym, however unfortunately the weight didn't just come off at this point, turns out I have to actually put some work in. I'm going to be honest with you on a good day I weigh 173lbs I want to weigh 140lbs! This leaves me with the mammoth task of losing 33lbs. I am 5'4" and at the minute a very tight size14. I hope that after my weight loss I will be looking at a tight 10. 

I'm using this blog to log my weight loss so that I can give a realistic overview of what it takes. I hope to log what I eat and what exercise I do. I also think that it will be amazing to look back on this once I have hit my target. I hope to be at least 151lbs on the 1st of September (which is my friends wedding) I am hoping that by the beginning of October I have reached my goal. So any tips or tricks you have to help, please let me know. 

This is all for now. I'll be logging in tomorrow evening for an update on how the first gym visit went.....

Bye for now xxx

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